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lift one’s face
为某人整容  detail>>
face lift
整容术  detail>>
lift one
亮起嗓子  detail>>
lift hands and hit face
提手击脸  detail>>
secret face-lift
秘密整容  detail>>
lift one end of car
顶车  detail>>
lift one’s hand
(举手)起誓,出力 举手宣誓  detail>>
lift one’s hand against
伤害  detail>>
lift one’s popularity to
提高声望  detail>>
lift up one’s head
欢欣鼓舞。  detail>>
lift up one’s horn
趾高气昂,盛气凌人 趾高气扬  detail>>
one-arm lift
单臂托举  detail>>
one-end lift
一端举升器  detail>>
to give one a lift
给人搭便车  detail>>
to lift one’s voice
提高嗓门  detail>>
lie on one’s face
脸朝下躺下  detail>>
one face twill
单面斜纹  detail>>
till one is blue in the face
努力和持久到了极点 嘴唇都磨破了  detail>>